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Learn how to treat canine distemper virusDistemper in dogs is highly contagious and caused by airborne exposure to respiratory secretions of animals infected by the virus. It can be lethal without treatment, attacking the respiratory, gastrointestinal and nervous systems. Early signs include pus-like eye discharge, fever, coughing, loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. In later stages, canine distemper virus could cause seizures, twitching and even paralysis. If you are interested in learning about a breakthrough natural treatment for canine distemper follow this link to find out more. Or continue reading below to find out more about this serious dog health problem. How is the condition usually prevented and/or treated? Accoring to most veterinarians, 50% of pets that are infected with canine distemper will not survive, while those that do will have permanent problems such as deformities and digestive disorders. Canine distemper and seizures are very common as well. To prevent the illness from occurring, pets are vaccinated throughout their lives. There is no cure for the disease, and conventional means merely temper symptoms and keep the dog from developing more serious complications. However, frequent vaccinations can compromise a dog's immune system and have serious long term implications on its health. For this reason many pet owners are turning to safer, natural treatments for distemper in dogs. Homeopathic veterinarians have had enormous success in not only preventing the illness from occurring, but also treating distemper in those pets that have been infected with the virus. As such they have a much more optimistic outlook on the disease than conventional veterinarians. If you are interested in preventing or treating canine distemper, you might want to consider Vi-Pro Plus, a special natural treatment with herbal and homoepathic ingredients that can protect your dog against distemper and other viral infections. Please note you should always consult your veterinarian or other qualified practitioner before choosing a treatment option for your pet's distemper. He or she will help you decide if a natural alternative is right for your dog or cat.
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